De afgelopen nachten sliepen honderden gevluchte mensen buiten de hekken van he ...
No ordinary agency
Regenerating organizational ecosystems is our core business. We love treasure hunting: working with the richness of people who are already working for you. Showing you the richness of the environment you are already in and getting the social, ecological, and economic balance of societies right. We connect the known with the unknown and help you understand the bigger picture you are a part of.
Because we know that you are surrounded by richness, our mission is
Helping organizations do better.
(No worries, we' ve got your back)
- the process of making an area, institution, etc. develop and grow strong again
- - economic regeneration
- (biology) the process of growing again
- - the regeneration of cells in the body
Source: Oxford Dictionary

Why we work and think in ecosystems
Creating a social, economic and ecological balance in decision making.
Unorthodox methods
Our approach
We don't do quick fixes and leave the low-hanging fruits to those afraid of challenges. We love providing sustainable results that meet the needs of the ecosystem(s) your organization (and people) belong to.
We help organizations to see and understand the connectedness, interdependence, interaction, and dynamics within and outside the organization, getting the social, ecological, and economic balance right.
So the first thing we do is help you to see and understand the bigger picture: what does your ecosystem look like? Are you using the full potential (richness) of your ecosystem?
Are you unintentionally excluding people or harming the environment while doing the work you love the most? How can we help you grow while making others grow? How can we help you increase your impact?

What's on our minds?
We love daydreaming, and our mind is not able to stop connecting. We get inspiration from everything we see and hear, combining these moments and thoughts with our work. Writing helps us to create new space for new ideas in our minds. If it's helpful, please use it, but do not abuse it. We all have a responsibility to make this world a better place. There is no blueprint for the challenges society faces today. Every organization has its dynamics and ecosystems. Make sure you understand it before applying these thoughts to your case.
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We don't start with answers
We start with curiosity
Wanna join?